Friday, July 25, 2008


Tomorrow I have to paint the garage. It's gonna suck, but I get 100 bucks for it! Yay!
Anyway, I've been hanging out with Sav a lot, playing Sims a lot too. I can't wait until Maddy comes back! I gotsta talk to her!

A little while ago, I was on world of warcraft (big suprise, I'm such a dork) and there's this arena where a chest apears every three hours. A lvl 60 asked me if I wanted to team up with him to get, so I was like, sure whatever. But when you go into the ring (where the chest is) you become attackable to all players, but since we were in a group, he couldn't attack me. So, I get to the chest and open it, and I'm waiting for him to decide how we're going to split up the loot. He tells me to let him see the loot, so I do, and he says sweet, takes all of it and leaves. What a jerk, right? It takes about 30 seconds for the attackable thing to wear off after your out of the arena, so I leave, but the guy disbands our group and imediately attacks me! So not only did I let that asshole get all the loot, he tried to kill me afterwards!

Ok, enough with ranting about a stupid computer game. Just wanted to get it out.
My b-day's comin up, but I'm going to be gone on vacation (montana) during it, so you don't have to get me a present or anything... unless you want to that is. =D

ps. on the subject of b-day's, I need to talk to some peeps!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Eh heh

Yeah, I kind of haven't been writing much lately... as you can see. A few things have been bothering me lately, such as computer relationships... They can be scary. But I didn't give that guy my myspace! GIRL POWER!!!! Ok, ok I know I'm odd, but it's better than being murdered in my sleep by some guy from the internet.
I can see the moon through the window, which is pretty cool since I'm in my basement, and it's really big and pretty. Apparently someone got their hair dyed *point* Yes, you know who you are. Honestly, it looks pretty good from the pics.
Anyway, for some reason, I feel like a freak right now, so I'm going to stop talking... writing... er, typing, whatever.
Byes =D