Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Yeah, I finally got around to reading the Pit and the Pendulum, and now I'm all confused. Is it just me, or is it really anticlimatic? Grrr, now I'm all irritated. It was good, but I don't understaaand! Anyone care to explain?

Monday, June 1, 2009


That pisses me off. I was just reading something against gay/lesbian marriage on facebook. What I don't get is how all of these people try to shove their beliefs on everyone else. They're all "god intended us to marry a man" and blah blah blah. But did they ever think that maybe not EVERYONE believes the same thing that they do?! Hello! Maybe I don't care if you think I'm going to hell, because I don't believe it's real? How could you say that all of the people that are gay/les/bi/pan are going to hell, and tell them they can't get married to who they want, just because of something they don't believe in? I thought that it was decided a long time ago that religion wasn't supposed to be forced onto anyone, and here we are, with all these religious people trying to "save" the gays from damnation. Why do they care? If you think we're going to hell, keep your preaching to yourself, and leave us alone; if we want to go to hell, let us go. No offense to the religious, but it really angers me sometimes when someone trys to justify the denial of gay marriage with God this, and God that. I honestly don't care about what God wants me to do.

Yummy-ness in a box.

Well, not necissarily in a box... but yummy-ness all the same. ^-^