Friday, May 30, 2008

Thank You

I am very grateful to my dad. Today, I got really tired while reading on the couch, and decided to take a nap. My mom came home, then my dad came home, and I wasn't asleep yet. My dad, fully well knowing that I intended to sleep peacefully and quietly, then proceeded to turn on the tv, very loudly. I asked him if he could watch tv somewhere else. Either he didn't hear me, or he didn't answer. I got up to go somewhere else, and ironically, but not suprizing, he was reading a fucking magazine instead of watching tv. I just wanted to let you know my gratitude for this.

And if you havn't picked it up yet, I'm being sarcastic.

Monday, May 26, 2008


I just found this while I was on DeviantArt, and I thought it was awesome, so...

Tell me,
How is is it okay to love rockAnd hate rap?
Or to love rap
And hate rock?
how is it just to ask for respect
But give none.
PLEASE! Tell me,
How killing your self is the answer?
Why do we hate being judged for our differences?
But turn around and judge others in the same.
Tell me,
Why do we have to classify ourselves?
“I’m a rocker, I’m hood”.
How about, “I’m me”.
Tell me,
How do parents hold a singer, rapper, rocker or whomever it may be
Responsible for being role-models to children they’ve never met?
Besides, they hear worse at school right?
Girls’, Tell me...
Why be so catty about things.
Guys’, tell me...
Why is it so hard for you to admit that even you have weak points?
Tell me,
What’s wrong with having a religion?
It doesn’t mean you pass judgment on others.
What’s wrong with not having one?
You’re a free will agent.
What’s wrong with being gay?
It doesn’t make you less of a human.
What’s wrong with not caring about ones sexuality?
It doesn’t make you homophobic.
What’s wrong with piercings?
It doesn’t make you a bad person.
What’s wrong with having tattoos?
It doesn’t mean you’re in a gang.
Whats’s wrong with being “plus” size?
It doesn’t make you less attractive.
What’s wrong with being you?
It can’t hurt you.
Tell me, if you can…
Why can’t people just stand eye to eye and decide how a person is based on an individual base.

Now, just to make sure I give this dude credit...


I just watched it, and it is one wacked up movie. And I don't know why it's called Cloverfield either, but it is. The freakiest part is when whats-her-name starts bleeding out of her eye. Yeah, it's... well, it's one wacked up movie. I wouldn't watch it if I were you. *is freaked out*

Friday, May 23, 2008


Ok, I'm a bit worried here. Me, Sav and Maddy are here at Maddy's house, havin fun talking to her boyfriend. And then he gets all... depressed. Ok, I have no fucking idea what is going on with him, but it's scary. Truthfully, he is a really good complimenter, and he's always praising Maddy, talking about how lucky he is to be with her, and you'd think he'd be the happiest dude on earth. But then he went all wierd. He said he didn't feel good, and that it wasn't physical, or at least, it wasn't caused by something physical. I asked him if he was depressed, and he said maybe. MAYBE. That means an absolute yes. So, the question is, why? The sucky thing is, he won't tell us. T.T

P.S. He's taking it out on Sav. Well, that's what she's saying. We will have to see about that. *snicker*

Monday, May 19, 2008


Er... on that last post I meant to say, Sami, don't get all quiet. I forgot to put in the don't... yeah... i'll go away now...


Ok, now that I've commented on one complaint, I shall make my own! Well, people are kind of annoying me lately. Strangely, (or maybe not strangely, idk) the only people I truly feel comfortable with at the moment is Savannah and Heather. Yeah, I said Heather. It seems really wierd, but she's just cool like that. And she has super ultra scary mint gum. Well, I might be able to add Maddy to this list, but I haven't really seen her lately because she's all depressed and crap so... yeah. Everyone else is just... grr. I mean, it's not all the time, and it's not really that bad, but it's just a couple knit-picky things that kind of annoy me. Like if Jackie and Sami (who will probly read this sooner or later) take this seriously. That would really piss me off. Jackie would ask me why and then say 'oh yeah, it's because I'm annoying.' Well, you are. But only because you do that! Got it? When you put yourself down, you are annoying. No one listens because you're complaining that no one's listening. Don't take it so seriously when you aren't imediately answered. And Sami, get all quiet and shtuff like you do sometimes when I say that yes, you are sometimes annoying. Hell, even you know that you are. Just don't take this shit seriously. Whatever. I feel better now. Soo, you can ignor me now. =D


Ok, I have a comment about a post that Jackie put up on her blog. It is annoying when others make or do something that you gave them the idea for, that did feel like it was just your own thing but now doesn't, but the thing is, when other people make blogs, there's more of a chance they'll actually read yours. The more friends that make blogs, the more people that will read your stuff and then comment on it. There are always some things you can call your own, even if a blog isn't one of them. But then, you can call it your own, because you can put whatever god damn shit you want to put on it. There'll just be other blogs about people you know with other god damn shit on it. That's all.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Also, just so you know, Super Terrific Dinosaurs also means something, just like Hairy King Kong has an explination.

Super Terrific Dinosaurs

Yay for staying up late!!! Fuuun. Well, tonight I sat up and watched the first Matrix movie... again. Really, I haven't watched it in a while, so I watched it again. Happy! Tomorrow is Friday! Or rather, today is Friday morning... meh. The Matrix music is awesome. Bwahahaha. Ok, ok, I'm going to go to bed. There is no need to listen to this crap any longer, as I shall sleep for eternity! Well, that's crap too. Either way, I'll see you peoples later... er... I'll write later.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fuzzy Purple Monkeys

Sooo. *whistles a tune* I'm majorly bored. Just kinda sittin' here, y'know, typing. Maybe I'll go do something else. I think I will. Well... yeah. Bye.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mommy's Day!

Yay!!! Ok, I'm not really posting because I'm happy for mothers day, I'm just really bored, and I want to put off doing my english homework. Anyway, my mom got kinda stressed this morning because my dad's mom was coming to our house for dinner, and my dad wasn't much help in cleaning the house. *coughbastardcough* Anyway, grandma talked FOREVER and just would not leave. But she finally did. So... now I am on de computer. Now, my dad is in the room right next to where I am, so I can't play the music I want to play, so I'm sitting here waiting for HIM to leave. Grrr. I guess my mom is happy though, because she got a whole buttload of flowers. Good for her. Yay. Ehhh.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

(Insert Title Here)

Ok, I'm probably going to slow down on the blogging soon. I'll get tired of it or something and eventually, I might even quit doing it because I don't have the time. But for now, you must deal with me. Ha ha ha. Ha.
Anyway, I'm having mood swings! As seen in the last post, I was depressed. And now, I'm happy!!! Happy, happy, happy! *dances a little jig*

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Ok, ok, ignor the last part of that last post.

...I think I spelled ignor wrong... Did I spell ignor wrong?


Ok, now I'm really depressed. First of all, I just lost a contest sort of thing that I shouldn't care about, yet do, and then when I post about it, it comes up with a %*#$ing error. Yeah feaking right, it saves it automatically. Oh, watch now, I'll look at my blog and my other post will be there. If that happens, just try to ignor this. *le sigh*


Hola peoples, I'm in science again! We had the history field trip today, but it ended an hour earlier than Ms. Taft thought it would, so we got back early. It sucks, because we were originally going to miss half of fourth hour, or for me, science. *smacks head against table* I don't want to do any wooorrkkk!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Alright, just thought of something else to say! If you're wondering, which you undoubtedly are, my name is King Kong for a reason.


Hello, peeps! So, I just gots me a blog. Right now I'm in science, doing 'work'. Indeed, it is fun. A few people have pissed me off today, but nothing really major. Best part of today = it's raining!!!! (Thats where my blog title thing came from, just if you're wondering.) I'll decorate soon, I promise, so it can look cool like Sami's. (Or so Sami says.) Carson is an @$$#0!&.