Monday, September 8, 2008


Hey, I figued out how to put up pictures! But it only let me put up five... maybe I can find a way to put up more...

Ok, so the top two pictures are from when I was at the mall with Maddy and Sav. We found a buch of signs that said kids love clubs, and we got kicked out of the bath and body works store.
The next two are from vacation in montana. The first is just a pretty one of a lake with a name I can't remember, and the second is when a herd of buffalo were grazing around our campsite. The night before one of the buffalo grunted at me (and I was in the tent in the picture) and we couldn't see the buffalo, so I practically peed my pants, so I slept in the camper. My dad told me it couldn't be a buffalo and whatever it was sounded angry. Stupid dad.
The last one is from the pictures I took with Maddy.


I can't really think of much to say right now. I'm thinking of taking online gym. To do that, I'm gonna have to get up at 4:30 in the morning to go to the gym with my dad, and I'm kind of unhappy about that, but oh well. It's better than normal gym, and I get more time for other electives, like art. I might be taking online health too, but I don't know.
I'm super happy! I finally got a locker today!!! Last week, my backpack was really heavy. My dad thought I had a bunch of library books or something in there, but it was just my math book, binder and notebook.
Guh, I hate mondays. I can't wait for it to be friday again. *le sigh* Four more days.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Change sucks... and rocks.

Ok, first of all, high school. I have to say, I really can't decide if I like it or not. I mean, it's school, so there's all the headaches (I've had two small ones all ready, and my eyes hurt a lot. Must be the lights.) and I'm so tired when I get home. It's required to take a year of health (REALLY not looking forward to that) and a year of gym also. I'm planning on taking the gym online because I'm thinking of getting up super early in the morning (4:30) to go work out with my dad. I haven't figured out how the online thing is going to work yet; I don't know how many hours a week I have to exersize and apparently there are tests and other things. I've already gotten a buttload of homework, but what did I expect, I'm in high school and honors english, geography and math. So, I have a test on all the countries in the world tommorrow (of which there are over two hundred of) and a test on all the states on wednesday.
It's really strange how I don't know almost anyone. I don't know the cliques or who's in which one, I don't know who I should stay away from (though that's pretty easy to figure out since it's most of the school) and the food is still crap. <--- I don't know what the food has to do with not knowing anyone, but it's still a problem.

Anyway, onto another type of change. As you can obviously see, I've just changed my blog layout and picture. I like this change. ^.^

Also, it's kind of late, but I got back from my vacation a while ago. I got a whole buttload of pictures and I just put them on the comp. I might put some of them up on here (If I can figure out how to do it) so you can see 'em.

Ok, last thing I have to say (I think.) My new pic was taken after vacation by Maddy (Who is being a butt. I'll probably explain better on a certain website. *wink, wink*)

Alrighty then (<---that sound corny) I'm gonna go. Tommorrow's friday! Yay! (<---random, I know)