Saturday, February 21, 2009


Now I'm really sad. I was going to see Jonathat today, but his parents aren't willing to give him a ride now. They were going to, but then it snowed, and they were like, We weren't expecting snow, it's going to be a bitch to drive through. So now I don't get to see him. DX
I do get to go dancing with Maddy and Vanessa, but I'm kind of dissapointed now. I'm going to be so grumpy today. I can feel the grumpy-ness coming on. I should probably try to stop it, but I'm way too lazy. XD
Love you guys. Bye.

Sunday, February 15, 2009




Ok, so Maddy set me up on a date with one of her friends yesterday...
I actually met him on Friday at his basketball game, but me, Maddy and Sav went to the wrong game. It was really funny.
He's so cute! (By the way, "he" is Jonathan.) And he's soooo tall! He's freaking 6 foot 3! I can actually wear heels around him without worrying about being taller! He has dark blue eyes, and, and, and, yeah. Lol, I'm really happy. =D He's super funny, and he's really nice, and he's waaarm. XD
I feel really incoherent right now. I'm just too giddy. (YES Jackie, GIDDY) YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!! *is happy*

Monday, February 2, 2009


Mwahahahahahaha, I've been gone for ever! Well, from here anyway. 

I'm a hangin with mah peeps at school homies. I'm not s'posed to be doin this, but I am anyway. I'm entertaining Julie, my bestest bud for now, a.k.a. backup friend. Lol, not really. Rawr at the sub because he says we're not supposed to be on here, but oh well. >=) 

I'ma s'posed to be drinking lots of water, because my doctor told me to. So now I have to pee every other hour. Not really, but it's annoying. 

Uh oh, sub is coming by again...................

Me and Julie are boreder than a game board. It's so boring here at school. And I'm hyper now too, so it's even worse. Hyperactive water. Yay! 

Ok, ok, we're gonna do something else now. Bya peoples. For now... mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha!!!!