Saturday, February 21, 2009


Now I'm really sad. I was going to see Jonathat today, but his parents aren't willing to give him a ride now. They were going to, but then it snowed, and they were like, We weren't expecting snow, it's going to be a bitch to drive through. So now I don't get to see him. DX
I do get to go dancing with Maddy and Vanessa, but I'm kind of dissapointed now. I'm going to be so grumpy today. I can feel the grumpy-ness coming on. I should probably try to stop it, but I'm way too lazy. XD
Love you guys. Bye.


Katie said...

Omg, I spelled Jonathan's name wrong. It's not Jonathat!!! >_<

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

Love you too!!!
And it all turned out, you got to talk to me! xD