Thursday, October 30, 2008

-insert latest eye catching title here-

I am feeling much better today. Well, and yesterday too. But anyway, I'm in a really good mood! I can't wait for halloween! It's gonna be really warm too! You probly already know, but I'm gonna be a zombie bride. My mom finished altering the dress for me last night. It's super pretty. =D
Talking about dresses, I get to go to Sadies! I'm really excited about that, because I didn't get to go to homecoming. But I am worried about the actual dancing part, seeing as I suck at it. XD

On a sadder topic, Maddy wasn't at school today because her mom had to be taken to the hospital, and she had to watch her sisters while her parents were gone. Her mom wasn't able to move and was really nauseous and was really dizzy whenever she opened her eyes. The doctors still don't know what's wrong, and it's been about six hours. I just hope that nothing really bad happens, like finding out she has cancer or something. That would suck.
I guess I'll write later. Bye.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bananas =D

Ok, I've been really down lately, and I don't know why. I'm so tired and I just don't want to do anything. I used to want to go to school every day and, scary as it is, I didn't want weekends to start. Now I can't wait for it even though it's only Tuesday. I used to be so excited to see certain people/person but now I'm not so sure about it. One of my friends is taking forever to do something I'd like her to do, but whenever I ask her about it she gets really annoyed. I just don't know how to cheer myself up anymore.
The party on Friday was super fun, but it left me questioning a few things at school. I feel so confused right now. I want a hug right now, but I don't think a hug would help me anyway. Oh well. *hugs computer*

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Ok, partay is such a stupid word, but I AM going to one tommorrow so... yay! I get to go see Sami (O.O) and Jackie and all her new friends. (Well, SOME of her new friends anyway.) I'm actually pretty excited! I haven't seen those guys in such a long time and, of course, some I've NEVER seen. Anyway, Jackie seems to be doin pretty good in highschool but it sounds like Sami needs a hug. *gives Sami a vertual hug* And it also sound like Alex needs a hug, but, oh well, he can deal on his own for now. But I DO expect an explaination from Sami on his troubles. *looks expectantly at Sami*
CANNOT WAIT for Halloween! I'm gonna be a zombie bride. YAY! My mom is sewing my costume for me (as usual) and I really want to see how it will turn out.
Back on the topic of troubles at school: I'm becoming imensely frustrated. GRRR!!! *hits the computer* Some people can be SSOOOO ELUSIVE!!! But I won't go into that because it is somewhat personal. If you want to know about it, you can ask me at the party... I guess. Or maybe I'll just become elusive myself. We'll have to find out later, won't we.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Gaaah! I hate being sick. I didn't go to school yesterday because I felt like crap. Everything was sore and there was so much crud in my throat. It was horrible. Today I feel better, but my throat still hurts, and so does my neck. I'm really excited for tonight! I can't wait until the game. Too bad that I can't go to homecoming though. =( My parents won't let me because of the game last friday. There was a bunch of fighting and my bike got stolen and there were a whole bunch of police cars everywhere because there was supposed to be a shooting. It was crazy. The only reason I get to go the game tonight is because it's required to play at it for band. I'm glad I get to go though, it's gonna be so fun! I'm kinda dissapointed in some people though.... >:( Yeah, you know who you are. Grrr.