Friday, October 3, 2008


Gaaah! I hate being sick. I didn't go to school yesterday because I felt like crap. Everything was sore and there was so much crud in my throat. It was horrible. Today I feel better, but my throat still hurts, and so does my neck. I'm really excited for tonight! I can't wait until the game. Too bad that I can't go to homecoming though. =( My parents won't let me because of the game last friday. There was a bunch of fighting and my bike got stolen and there were a whole bunch of police cars everywhere because there was supposed to be a shooting. It was crazy. The only reason I get to go the game tonight is because it's required to play at it for band. I'm glad I get to go though, it's gonna be so fun! I'm kinda dissapointed in some people though.... >:( Yeah, you know who you are. Grrr.

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