Monday, December 29, 2008

I Gotsta Go Pee...

Don't even read the title. Please.

Anyway, I've decided to space my posts out a little bit, so you know when one paragraph ends and another begins. It will enliven the reading experience!!! Wow, that was cheezy.

I'm bored, and my mom is reading over my shoulder, laughing at me. I guess I'm just such a laughable person, huh? Yuuum, music makes me happy. (Er, why did I say yum?)

It feels like today is going to be a lazy day. It is monday, after all. I'm planning on going to starbucks with Sav and Jackie and some other friends. (Sami? Rob? Idk.) Just another reason to spend all my money. *Sigh* But, the good thing is, my dad has work today, so he won't be here to tell me to do all my chores. Except when he gets home, he'll be all, "You had all day to do your chores, and yet you lazed around and did nothing," and I'll be all, "Yup."

Anyway.... NEXT DESTINATION: Bathroom!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008


W00T! I love christmas. It's so loverly. Anyway, I got a bunch of cute clothes, some new music, a couple of books, a couple of other stuff, and all of it makes me happy! Heh heh, I'm so materialistic sometimes.
Anyway, I'm a little sad, because my brother left to go back to New Jersey this morning. Poop. He only stayed about a week. Maybe a little less. Le sigh.
But, the good thing is, there's left over food EVERYWHERE!!!! Yum, a whole pecan pie, half a cheesecake, fudge, and a buttload of mashed potatoes. Not to mention I'm making cookies today. Yay. *Drools all over the keyboard.*
Well, I'm going to go enjoy my presents... and food. Bye!

Monday, December 22, 2008

TMI man.... TMI

Lol, don't bother with the title. I was just thinking about what to name it, and something rather icky came to mind. Be glad I didn't name this post what first came to my mind. Just don't ask.
Anyway, I'MA SO COLD! It's supposed to be -25 degrees or something today. Heh heh, at least I have pie. Yeah, my dad made some pecan pies for a party at work, and while he was at it, he made one for home. Then, he make a cheesecake for his birthday. Horribly, his birthday is on Christmas Eve. So we're celebrating his birthday with cheesecake and then Christmas the day after. I'm gonna be stuffed. Like a friggen turkey.
It's crazy. I've been having so many odd dreams. Last night I dreamt that Savannah made me go out with someone I barely know just so we could get a ride to school. Then I got my period. I hope this dream doesn't have anything to do with the future, because I'd be really freaked out... and have my period. But I've also been having a lot of dreams about Ben, but we're not doing anything really. Just talking and being friends in general. Whenever I wake up from those, my day starts out with me in a really good mood, and then I'm grumpy the rest of the day. It's odd how many mood swings I've had in the last month. I feel like I'm PMSing the whole day. Not the best thing that's happened to me. Oh well.
Interesting Fact here: Elizabeth Kenny was from Australia. Bet you didn't know that.
Anyway, my brother is here! And I think he's getting up... maybe. I heard someone moving upstairs, but he might just go back to bed. Lazy butt. But I'm happy he's here. I haven't seen him in such a long time! Hell, it still looks wierd that he doesn't have his glasses, and he got his eyes fixed a couple years ago. That's how much I haven't seen him. Crazy, huh?
I'm getting more into my piano again. I've never stopped playing of course, but I've been practicing more lately, and I'm more willing to practice. Playing just makes me so happy. I can just play around with it and let anything pent up out.
Guh, I don't feel like writing any more. See you later peoples... hopefully.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Thar she blows!!!

Heheh, anyway, loverly chat with Sami last night. (I still think we should get together soon though...) Apparently, I haven't changed much since last year, and neither has Sami. We're still random as ever, but I think we've grown up a little. Only a little though.
I had so much fun tonight. I stayed after school to make cookies (yay!) with Sav, Dani, Elsa, Lea and Rachel. (Wow, I just noticed that my old friends would only recognize one of those people.) We ended up eating most of them though, but it was a rather tasty affair. The cookies were for people with HIV and AIDS. So, good for them. They're good cookies. XD
Man, everyone's posting their 100th post, and I don't think I've past the 50 mark yet. Damn, I better get writin' huh? Oh well.
Horribly, I'm starting History Day. I can't decide between doing Barbie and Elizabeth Kenny. If I did Barbie, I thought it would be really cool if I did a poster board kind of thing, except show the info from a Barbie house. If I did Elizabeth Kenny, I'd probably do a documentary on it, which would make it easier to get to state and stuff. So, any opinions?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh noes! ... wait, oh yays?!

Well, Maddy has officially left me. T.T Well, just for a month. She left a couple days ago to Europe. She's going to Holland, Italy, maybe France, and who knows where else. All without me. =( I've found out that I rely on Maddy way too much during school. During lunch, english, geography and especially geometry, I talk to her the most, and no one else. This is probably a good time to make my newer friends, well, better friends. I've already started! =D Of course, I'll miss my Maddums, but I'm not going to mope just because she's gone. If she gets to have fun, so do I.
I feel particularly happy today, seeing as I had to go out and get an X-mas tree when it was, like, -3 degrees outside, not including the wind. Damn. But somehow I found it really funny, because the wind pushed me and my mom like crazy, and we were forced to walk like we were drunk. It was fun. And I'm still happy right now, even though I know that I have to get up in the freezing cold tomorrow. Maybe it's because I get to have some pie soon. XD YAY!
I'm so glad for Sami. I want to give her a big hug like the ones she gives me, and strangle her to death in happiness. Muahahaha, my turn to kill people! Jk, but still, it makes me happy. Although I feel like one of the only people I know who doesn't have a boyfriend (or girlfriend for that matter), I'm kind of glad about that. Maddy's having major crazyness concerning her relationships now, and, as far as I can tell, so is Jackie. Sav is currently single, but her ex wants to get back together, but he sooo does not deserve it. The night before he said he wanted to get back together, he was making out with another girl in the back of a car. No WAY am I letter her go out with him again, and thankfully, she doesn't want to.
Cautionary words for Sami: 99% of all college and highschool relationships end up in the crapper. Please, please, please don't get too atatched to your boyfriend. If he breaks up with you, it'll feel like the world blew up, and I'll have to sleepover every night, just to make sure you don't kill yourself. And whatever you try to say, you guys will probably break up. If you don't get too attatched, the relationship is funner and more laid back, and you'll both realize it right away if it's not going to work out. It makes everything that much easier for you guys if you break up. Please talk about it for me. Don't start talking about marriage or something. Maddy and Tye were really tight a little while ago, but people change, and Maddy has told me that she feels as if she barely knows Tye anymore. I don't want to have the same convo with you Sami, so just listen to what I've said. I love you too much to let you destroy yourself.
Wow, that got serious real fast. Anyway, CALL ME JACKIE!!!!! You still haven't gotten the add on yet, and I need some money here soon. We need to get together. Jackie and Sami at least. Maybe others, I dunno, but we totally do.
Ok, I think I've said all I need to.
Bye. =D

Monday, December 1, 2008


Okay, just read all the other blogs, and I feel strangely left out. T.T Sometimes I think I have to many relationships to keep up, and too many that I have to try and start, that I forget the older ones. It makes me sad. =(
There're a few people at school that I want to try and kick up friendships with - Julie, Gersha, Ben - for example, and for me it's harder to do this than for others. And then I just keep finding more layers in Maddy and Sav, which is always surprising, although it shouldn't be. They're pretty complex people. (Yes, Sav is complex. You just don't notice it. =D) And then, at the same time, I want to keep the friendship between Sami and Jackie (who hasn't called me... o.O) and, not to mention, my dear Kloie (who I haven't seen since the beginning of summer). It so hard. Of course, Maddy is having her own huge drama (and trust me, it's huge) which just makes me feel more preoccupied.
Hell, I used to be so involved in some peoples' lives, and now I read something new happening in their lives, and I can't believe that I never knew before then, because before, I would've known everything before they happened. Truthfully, it's a bit depressing.
One of my friends from school is being a bit bitchy, and so am I. (I know, I'm a little surprised, but that sounds like me.) Well, neither of us are on our periods or anything (as far as I know) but I guess I've just been a little short tempered with stubborn Sav and Dani (the other bitchy friend, who is a girl by the way) and even a little with Maddy. I guess I need to tell my self to get glad, not mad. Maybe that'd work better if I finally forced my self to just talk to a certain person... but I don't know if I'm capable. XD Yeah, you can probably guess who I'm a talkin about. Or not. Either way, he may have been mentioned earlier in this post. =D On that topic, I'm not totally sure if I still like him, but I think I do. It just makes me stop breathing when he looks at me. Hell, he makes me stop breathing when he's not looking at me.
Okay, so the biggest obstacle for me actually talking to him is that about a month ago, I was at a football game. I was with Sav and a whole bunch of other people, including Dani. So, that exact game, they ask who I like. So (rather reluctantly) I tell them. Of course, Sav wants to go tell him, so I threaten her. Ends up that Dani tells him, and he says he doesn't like me, but might if he knew me better. Simple, right? you might think. Just go talk to him, right? NOT. It's soooo hard!!!! Have you ever gone up to someone you liked who knew you liked them, and didn't like you back. Nerve wrecking. Well, for me anyway. Some people are just amazing, and can do that, but I'm just not amazing.

Okay, okay, I finally let out my woes. Poo. I'm tired now. Nighty night.

Okee. *le sigh*

Well, following up on that last post, yes I do in fact like someone. But I'm not gonna say their name.
Maybe I will. But probably not.

Anyway, changed my picture again. I like it. =D It's Sav.

I don't really have much to say, but I did write something new a while ago for Maddy's B-day party. Vwa La :


And she breached her casket like a butterfly.

As if she'd been born, come alive, and entered the world with a song on her tongue and color in her smile. As if she'd shed a cacoon of tears and sweat and bitter, aching love. As if she'd forgotten what it was like to feel the shadows crawl, and creep, and devour her flesh, leaving a thought of no tommorrow. But she hadn't, and she knew it, and she unfurled her wings. They glittered and shone, and I was blinded, confused, befuddled by her majesty. I shrank down and small, as her beauty encompassed the sun, the moon, and my heart, but not because she was beautiful. Because she had tears in her eyes that overflowed the brims, and clung to each eyelash like a pearl in the sea, while in the cusp of her hand, she held the world ever so gently, like the feathers of a dove. Because she reached and reached and touched the tip of my nose, and she said, "Hello." And suddenly the salt was escaping my sockets and streaming in a rainbow down my face, and I cried, and I blubbered, and only but thought about touching her soft hands of cream and honey. And she held my face in her palm, like the world glowing round, and the pain, the fear, the hurt, came to the surface. She took all of it in her hands and she told me it was all right, and my salt fell like rain. I was taken in by her knowing smile, and I reached and reached, with my arms around her, and I said, "I love you. I love you like the sun, the moon, and my heart. And, crying words of love, she breached her casket like a butterfly,

And Lived.

Adios. =D