Friday, December 26, 2008


W00T! I love christmas. It's so loverly. Anyway, I got a bunch of cute clothes, some new music, a couple of books, a couple of other stuff, and all of it makes me happy! Heh heh, I'm so materialistic sometimes.
Anyway, I'm a little sad, because my brother left to go back to New Jersey this morning. Poop. He only stayed about a week. Maybe a little less. Le sigh.
But, the good thing is, there's left over food EVERYWHERE!!!! Yum, a whole pecan pie, half a cheesecake, fudge, and a buttload of mashed potatoes. Not to mention I'm making cookies today. Yay. *Drools all over the keyboard.*
Well, I'm going to go enjoy my presents... and food. Bye!

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