Monday, December 1, 2008

Okee. *le sigh*

Well, following up on that last post, yes I do in fact like someone. But I'm not gonna say their name.
Maybe I will. But probably not.

Anyway, changed my picture again. I like it. =D It's Sav.

I don't really have much to say, but I did write something new a while ago for Maddy's B-day party. Vwa La :


And she breached her casket like a butterfly.

As if she'd been born, come alive, and entered the world with a song on her tongue and color in her smile. As if she'd shed a cacoon of tears and sweat and bitter, aching love. As if she'd forgotten what it was like to feel the shadows crawl, and creep, and devour her flesh, leaving a thought of no tommorrow. But she hadn't, and she knew it, and she unfurled her wings. They glittered and shone, and I was blinded, confused, befuddled by her majesty. I shrank down and small, as her beauty encompassed the sun, the moon, and my heart, but not because she was beautiful. Because she had tears in her eyes that overflowed the brims, and clung to each eyelash like a pearl in the sea, while in the cusp of her hand, she held the world ever so gently, like the feathers of a dove. Because she reached and reached and touched the tip of my nose, and she said, "Hello." And suddenly the salt was escaping my sockets and streaming in a rainbow down my face, and I cried, and I blubbered, and only but thought about touching her soft hands of cream and honey. And she held my face in her palm, like the world glowing round, and the pain, the fear, the hurt, came to the surface. She took all of it in her hands and she told me it was all right, and my salt fell like rain. I was taken in by her knowing smile, and I reached and reached, with my arms around her, and I said, "I love you. I love you like the sun, the moon, and my heart. And, crying words of love, she breached her casket like a butterfly,

And Lived.

Adios. =D

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