Monday, December 22, 2008

TMI man.... TMI

Lol, don't bother with the title. I was just thinking about what to name it, and something rather icky came to mind. Be glad I didn't name this post what first came to my mind. Just don't ask.
Anyway, I'MA SO COLD! It's supposed to be -25 degrees or something today. Heh heh, at least I have pie. Yeah, my dad made some pecan pies for a party at work, and while he was at it, he made one for home. Then, he make a cheesecake for his birthday. Horribly, his birthday is on Christmas Eve. So we're celebrating his birthday with cheesecake and then Christmas the day after. I'm gonna be stuffed. Like a friggen turkey.
It's crazy. I've been having so many odd dreams. Last night I dreamt that Savannah made me go out with someone I barely know just so we could get a ride to school. Then I got my period. I hope this dream doesn't have anything to do with the future, because I'd be really freaked out... and have my period. But I've also been having a lot of dreams about Ben, but we're not doing anything really. Just talking and being friends in general. Whenever I wake up from those, my day starts out with me in a really good mood, and then I'm grumpy the rest of the day. It's odd how many mood swings I've had in the last month. I feel like I'm PMSing the whole day. Not the best thing that's happened to me. Oh well.
Interesting Fact here: Elizabeth Kenny was from Australia. Bet you didn't know that.
Anyway, my brother is here! And I think he's getting up... maybe. I heard someone moving upstairs, but he might just go back to bed. Lazy butt. But I'm happy he's here. I haven't seen him in such a long time! Hell, it still looks wierd that he doesn't have his glasses, and he got his eyes fixed a couple years ago. That's how much I haven't seen him. Crazy, huh?
I'm getting more into my piano again. I've never stopped playing of course, but I've been practicing more lately, and I'm more willing to practice. Playing just makes me so happy. I can just play around with it and let anything pent up out.
Guh, I don't feel like writing any more. See you later peoples... hopefully.


SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

WE NEED TO HANG OUT!!! Also, if you do get your period, don't be too freaked out. A lot of girls have dreams about getting it before they do because your body knows what's coming before you do, thus causing you to dream about it... sucks for you. jk lol. :D Hope you have a good break, CALL ME!

Katie said...

Hey!!!!! Y'know what!? If you can get a ride over here, you can probly make cookies with me!!! And possibly Jackie too. Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe Sav... Yeah, I still haven't got my period yet, so yay!!! But I did dream about a guy with really pretty eyes last night. It was odd.

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

those cookies were fun fun fun!! And we'll have to see about that guy... hmmm...

Katie said...

Lol, just forget about the guy. ^^;